Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Smiley Face count for the year

I haven't done to check really if what I said on the other post was correct. I have a menstrual cycle calendar in my Ipod. I will check right now what day smiley face fall in the months I was ovulated. This post is for my own record so I could remember.

Jan 16 - day 23 - period january 31 (15)
Feb 19 - day 20 - period march 5 (15)
March 22 - day 17 - period april 6 (15)
April 25 - day 20 - period may 11 (16)
May - none
June 1 - day 22 - period june 14(13)
June 30 - day 17 - period july 14 (14)
July 29 - day 16 - period august 12 (14)
August - none
September  15 - day 35 - period sept 29 (15 estimate) - Way to off due to travel
October 27 - day 29 - period nov 10 (14)
November - none
December 3 - day 23 - period dec 16 (14)

So base on the total for 6th months, I am fertile on the 19th day average of each cycle. As you can see from above September was the weird month. I thought I conceived. It was false hope. But if God work it's mysterious ways and give miracles I am hoping one day for my turn. I will be positive about it but if not I will live it all up to Him since he knows what's good for me.

Day 29th

I tested my first urine Saturday morning and finally I saw the familiar smiley face. It's nice to know that I am still ovulating but check out the day. It's beyond too normal. But normal to people who are irregular. My guess will be the travel and time change screwed my ovulation cycle. I hope and pray there could be some miracle happening soon.

I also made to confirm an appointment on the 16th of November to a very young doctor with 11 years of experience. I hope I am making the right choice of switching to her than my previous doctor. My previous doctor will also recommend me to an infertility specialists which the schedule will go as far as December. I can't wait 2 more cycles to waste. Maybe it's a sign that this new doctor will be the right answer to my problem.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Late ovulation

I don't know maybe with the travel, time change, exhaustion from last month's trip overseas and stress from work I am not ovulating fast. This will be my 2nd month today. I am expecting to see a smiley face from OPK's test which I did on the 15th day from day 1 of cycle. I am on day 21 and no smiley face yet. It's hard to do the timing for conception when irregular cycle hits again.

I have been taking prenatal DHA prescribed by the doctor and also my choice of using Fertility Blend in the hopes of getting my normal cycle. I am sure my travel overseas is the reason why my cycle is off. For the past 6 months my fertility cycle is between 17-25 but my most fertile days is commonly falls on 17-20. I hope to see smiley face again maybe tomorrow. I will cross fingers.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Semen Analysis

Done Oct 3 and result read on the 4th. The receptionist at the doctor's office called Oct 4th past 9am while I was at work. Mind blowing news, sperm count and shape normal but motility is low. In addition, they said they can't do anything about the motility. It just mean we are done with normal pregnancy. The next step will be IUI and IVF. I was advice to check on the coverage of our insurance and see how far we can do about this problem.

I've checked first Monday morning. We are covered with the insurance. Thank heaven. Now proceed to the appointment. Dang, appointment will be long dreaded over a month to wait. It's going to be 6 weeks to see the doctor.  Crazy to say when you have so many questions on your mind. You want to be hopeful and get start the ball rolling ASAP. But I am only left with nothing to do and frustrations sinks in when you can't do anything about it but to wait for your turn.

I don't know how the future will do for us but I am hopeful. Let's see how things could go in the next coming weeks.

What's with the Title, Not yet or What?

Plain few words you often mostly hear everyday. But this title speaks about the struggle of hearing the question "are you pregnant yet?". Its frustrating really. Oftentimes you respond too soon, not yet, maybe someday and other times you will answer in silence or a fake smile. You are already overwhelm with these question for so long you wish people would stop asking and bugged you about it. But hey you can't stop it. People are anxious to know and why not tell.

This blog is my journey to motherhood. There are so many if's right now. For now, all I can say is, "If I can bare a child or not". Follow me and help me relieve my struggle. It would mean a lot to know people in the community and people who have the experience of going to fertility treatments and motherhood.