Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Varicella Shot

I went to Pamf in Mountain View at my physician's office today at 11am. I get out at work just to get the shot. Everything went well. It stung at first. The nurse told me to relax at the lobby for 20 minutes and know if I have any bad reaction. I didn't so I took off and head straight to work. As of this writing, I am at the office just finished taking my lunch in my cube.

I spoke with Nurse K yesterday and she said sorry about what happened. It's not the kind of result we had expected but I told her it is what it is so I just have to get vaccine. Then the plan is to do the retest a month after, call when I get my period and take it from there. I hope that time I can get the go sign.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Varicella Vaccine

Yes you are reading it right. I will be getting it. It means that my treatment will be move further maybe a month or two. Depending on what the doctor will recommend as of this time. I got a call from a nurse today that my latest result was borderline. It says I am not immune to chicken pox. They don't want me to get pregnant when taking a shot. Therefore, I am on the waiting list again..I have to wait for them to call me back and check when they will administer to get the vaccines. Oh Lord, why this is taking so long. Why they didn't get me tested few months ago when they asked for so many many blood test. Why now? Grrrrh! I am so frustrated. But it's a good thing too. Just in case in the future.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Coming Appoinments

It's confirmed AF show her ugly face today. I called nurse Kimberly but end up leaving a message to her. Another person called me back, hold me for quite a bit and gave me an appointment on Nov 4 for the baseline ultrasound and consent signing. So this is it! I will start taking BCP on day 3 which is Oct 27 that falls on a Sunday. Until then, nothing exciting other than the injection training on Nov 1 and have to order medication.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

IVF Cycle Review

I did my cycle review with nurse K at 10:40am yesterday. She's nice but not as comforting as you want them to be. But she explains thoroughly on the process and I got it all in my head. Hubby was a little overwhelm I can tell looking at his expression. But nurse K said not to, she will explain more as we go in at the consent signing.

We are now waiting until I could get my period. On day 1, I will call nurse K and there we could make the change on what we estimated. So here are the estimate plan:

Oct 27 - start Birth control pills
Nov 1 - injection training
Anytime - MDRX order medicine
Nov 4,5,6 - baseline ultrasound, consent signing
Nov 11 - Lupron
Nov 22-30 - Stimming
Nov 25-30 - blood test and ultrasound
Dec 1 - Hcg Shot
Dec 3 - Egg Retrieval
Dec 6 - Embryo Transfer
Dec 17 - Pregnancy test

I will post again once my schedule is already done. For now, this is just an estimate. Cross fingers! I hope this is it. 

I got another blood test done yesterday too. I was asked for blood type and to check for varicella virus. Dang! I thought I am done with everything.

Hubby also got his blood test for HLTV. I don't know really what it is. lol And, did the urine test too for chlamydia culture. All in one day at the clinic. Save us time and energy. Good job nurse K to be so on top with that right away. Hope she will continue to do a good work for us.

Later part of the day, I got a call from this lady from a MDRX pharmacy in LA. She asked me about RX Vin, RX Group and ID. What the hell I know about that? She wasn't so friendly and not so patient when being asked. Nurse K, didn't mention about those in details and I didnt know they will call that soon. But anyway, I got all that straight when hubby called the insurance company. Today, I am ready to call her. The number she gave me didn't work. I will let her call me. Watch out biatch! I just hate it when people are so rude.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The start of IVF

Well, I got a call yesterday from my IVF Coordinator. I will give her the name Miss E. She's nice on the phone. She apologize for not getting back so soon because she was waiting for Dr. A's permission about something. I don't know what! But what matters now is the Cycle review will be the start of this IVF process.

My schedule will be next week on Wednesday the 23rd. I will let you know how will the conversation or meeting turned out. For now, I wish I could be pregnant. LOL.. I will be expecting my period on the 25. If somehow, I will be pregnant that will be a huge blessing. But I am just dreaming. Nothing wrong with that, right?

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


I'm not expecting anything this month since we've only did 2 baby dance which was 2 days before I got my positive OPK and on the day when I saw the smiley face again. I bought the clear blue digital ovulation kit and used it this time since I can't make up on the dollar store test. But actually the dollar store worked. On the day I got the positive, it looks like the same with Clear Blue. And the test line appear quickly. Now I know what to expect the next time.

Anyway, today I am feeling weird. I have this cramping on my right side for hours. It's too early for this cramps. Maybe I ovulated today? What? I don't know. It's hard to know when there's no ultrasound. If I am, then there's no way I could get pregnant. Well, I know in the first place it's hard when my partner has the problem. But yet, there's always miracle, right?

Also, I have the dizzy spell starting 2dpo. I was in SFO with friends on 2dpo. Well, I think it was the long wait and we were standing in line for more than an hour. With heat and anxiety to ride the cable car, I guess it hit me. I was also thankful I didn't faint. My my my, I don't know how will I be able to have the courage to see all people staring at me if I drop fall to the ground, LOL. Then also, I am suffering from UTI that I was holding myself not to grab liquids so I won't be in a rush to find restrooms. LOL.. It made my infection worst, though later on  I felt better when I was able to use the bathroom. Man, it was a crazy feeling...

Yesterday at 3dpo. All I have was slightly cramping on the right side. Nothing significant. I feel like normal. I may be cramping but it wasn't so intense. If I will do something, I won't remember the cramps.

Today, is a different story. Even writing at this moment I feel like my lower abdomen is being pulled. The under twinges is bearable. It is as if I have AF already. Also, I am a little dizzy. I never feel any of this before. I have some breast tenderness but I always and often have it during the 2 week wait. I don't consider it as a symptoms of being pregnant. But I don't know about this being dizzy. Or maybe, I am just tired and didn't have enough rest. Who knows it might be the cause. The past days, I didn't get much sleep as I want to. I don't want to jump at this as being pregnant. It's too early for that.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

IVF Financial Cost

Last night, hubby and I discuss thoroughly on the cost of IVF treatment. After all the talk and thankfully no hard debate on that. We had made the conclusion to spend almost 29k for the treatment. It is expensive, right? Yep, it is VERY costly! We have some left insurance money to cover a portion of it but still we are looking at over 50% of that. To give you an idea I will list the details here. I am sure this will benefit some of us who wants to do the treatment. I am writing this information because when I did my research online, I can't find any good post about the totality of the cost. I will try my best to those who wants to know. This particular post will change as soon as I get into the process and see the real deal of the expenses. I am hoping for no hidden cost. If you want to know what facility I am going into, I can do so just live your email where to reach you and I will be happy to give you some insight.

Pre-requisite: ( Don't know how much the price range on this. Sorry I can't give you details how much this will cost you. Maybe just my estimate $2,500-4000. If you have insurance, some will be covered under your OBgyn or family doctor. )

Complete Blood Cell Count
Comprehensive Metabollic Panel
Lipid Profile
Anti Body Screen
Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Test (STD)
Hepatitis C Antibody Test
Rubella Screen
HPV Test
Semen Analysis

One cycle IVF treatment- $16,388
ICSI - $1,850
Embryo Freeze & Storage - $2,100
Medication first cycle - $2,500

Embryo Transfer - $4,700
Medication FET - $500

My medical history - normal considering my age
Hubby medical result - normal count, volume, morphology but only 5% motility

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

2nd IVF Appointment

I had my 2nd IVF appointment yesterday with Dr. A at 10. I was able to see him like 10:45am. Geez! His scheduling is worst. It will be fair to say at least 15 minutes but if waiting is like almost an hour is not acceptable. Plus, his fees are just ridiculously expensive. I don't know if it's just him or if it's the normal range. The consultation is not really that great. But I only have to deal with it since his In-network and my insurance will cover it's cost. If only money is not a problem, I could have gone to another clinic.

Anyway, we discussed all there is to discuss and now the waiting part. Also, as to how much my husband will going to or willing to spend for all of this. Our insurance coverage is depleting to every test that has been conducted. I don't know at this time if he wants to do it or not. The second option will be doing another IUI to maximize our insurance where we could probably do 3 or 4 more. I don't know what's going to happen and it's up to my hubby to decide.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Nothing Significant

It's been awhile yes from my last post. Sorry but there's just nothing to update. I'm still not pregnant and endless counting of days when to ovulate. I am CD11 today and I don't feel any cramping yet. I will be checking and testing my urine sample again for the next couple of days.

Monday is my 2nd appointment with Dr. A. I got the bills a week ago from my first appointment with him and it's ridiculous to say that His fee is so high. Well, I could understand how high it is. Doctor's can only spend like 15minutes and it might cost you $300 for that but I would recall my time when I had my appointment, it was longer than 30 minutes. Maybe the fee's goes up as to how much time they could spend per patient. Geez!

Now it could mean my insurance balance for infertility treatment will be low and I could expect more $$$$ to spend later on. Oh my my.. I also noticed the efficiency that their staff and nurses provide at the clinic doesn't compensate their service.I don't know it's just ridiculous for me to say or bash about them. Let's see what they can do for me when I will start with my treatment. I'm not quite certain if this clinic can work magic.