Wednesday, February 19, 2014

First Ultrasound

Today is 6 weeks and 1 day. Time flies so fast. I had my appointment at 9:15 today but was able to see the Dr. at 9:45am. They are pretty lousy on time schedule but when the time is on, they are pretty much good with what they are doing. I am confident on their skills and professionalism.

So as what we are asking whether one or two? We have ONE. I am happy with it. I already prepared myself on the outcome. One is good two is much better. Hubby wanted two. I can see some of his disappointment but hey we are lucky that with our first try and with only two embryos, we are so lucky to be in this position. I thank God for all the answered prayer and may He continue to watch over us.

I have seen our baby so tiny but yet we love him/her. Sac, yolk and baby all present except can't see the heartbeat yet. It's still very tiny. We are very early for now and in the next appointment we will going to see our monkey with his heartbeat. The doctor printed a photo for ours to keep and I'm so happy. We also did a video on the screen. Not a good one but at least something to remember by. Will post it later.

Next ultrasound in 2 weeks.. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

5 Weeks 3 days Pregnant

I am writing right now at work. I tried several ways not to feel so bad but my heartburn and bloating is giving me problems right now. I don't have anything to complaint but I am happy that this is what's happening I just don't want to get it worst since today is Valentines Day. I want to at least celebrate something later on. If it gets worst, of course I have to cancel our dinner date.

Symptoms & Changes:
Heartburn. Bloating. I don't really feel great. My energy level is on average but I am a little tired at work. My bras are getting tight. I feel like going to puke but try to think other things not to urge to do it. It's hard to hold it while you are at work. Boobs are getting bigger and fuller. Hmmmm! Unbotton pants but use belt for support. Acnes not so great but only few. I gained 1 lb. AF like cramps but dull. I always check in the bathroom for discharge but thankful nothing to record to get alarmed.

5 Weeks Pregnant

Feb 11,

So how do I feel today? I was a little bit worried. I didn't get much sleep last night. I woke up like 3 am due to hot flashes. My body is weird. I could easily get cold and easily get hot. My temperature is rising like crazy that it's hard to sleep at night. I don't mind it all. Actually I am enjoying it because I know my babies are telling me to not worry is just part of my body getting used to the change.

I got up when my alarm clock rang at 6:35. When I walked i felt there's a sudden discharge under and I was like oh no please no.. When I checked, it was light brown discharge. The color is too light for a brown nor red. I was relieved but at the same time kind of worried. I am still early on pregnancy and I don't want anything to happen this time. I have been extra careful of lifting and doing stuff. But I didn't really do anything in the house except lay down most of the time or relax on the couch because hubby doesn't want me to cook. I know his been tired. His been doing this since Jan 21st and I salute him for taking care of me. But at times I help him at minimum speed and doing light stuff.

As for symptoms goes: I have nausea today while I was at the shower, dull cramping, itchy tingling breast, my breast are getting big lol I think I have elevated to 1 cup my bras are getting tight. No food cravings yet. Tired a little bit. I feel that my energy level this week is much better than last week. I guess with all the worries I have I think it drained me. Anyway, so far so good.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

13dp3dt - 2nd BETA - Definitely BFP

Feb 6,

It's official, I am definitely pregnant. My numbers doubled in 2 days more than what my doctor anticipated. I got the call from nurse K past 9 am the usual time she called me. So the numbers are good at 375. I am so happy. I believe that it will go up since the dizzy spell, nausea  yesterday and in the afternoon at work I was so damn tired I want to sleep. When I came home, it's hard to stay awake and so I slept early.

I am glad everything is good now. I will be extra careful for the next 2 weeks until I could see how many babies we have and probably can hear the heartbeat. Nurse K said that we might not be able to hear the heartbeat because it's still tiny but at at times there's the possibility. I just want to see my babies..

I asked for refill for progesterone too so I called MDR and ordered one bottle for now. I don't know how long will I be on the pills but if it's going to help my pregnancy I will take it as long as it's needed. Eventhough it's quite messy I will bare all of it.

I will update after my ultrasound. Exciting! Please still keep me in your prayers. I am still early in the game.. Need lots of TLC.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

11dp3dt - BETA DAY!

Feb 4,

I slept a little bit early last night. I was already tired before 8pm and trying to stay awake but when hubby said he wanted to sleep early I joined in to.

I got the sleep that I needed but I kept on waking up every hour. Either my mind is somewhere else or my body is too warm that I was sweating a little. I don't sweat at all. I don't know why, hormones? Hubby and I decided last night not to POAS today. We will just take whatever the outcome is. Good or bad.

So I woke up at 6 and did my suppository and went back to bed. When my alarm clock rang at 6:35am I got up. I was able to have my vowel movement again yehey! Simple happiness.. hahahaha.. Then showered, dressed and ate my breakfast that hubby prepared for me last night. I haven't been cooking for 2 weeks now. Hubby did all of it. He wants me to just relax. I am like a princess.

Anyway, I drove to the clinic saying every prayers I could say to God to work his magic on me. I got to the parking lot at 7:45 meaning it's still 7:35 at the clinic. I walked slow and said my prayers again for the last time. I am very anxious of the outcome. I walked passed the front desk and said I will have my blood test done and went to the lab. I saw Dr. K and some nurses I just walked passed them. I rang the bell at the lab and there I got my blood drawn. I jerked when the needle went in. Coward me! But hey I have so much needle running in my veins for the past 2 months. You can't blame me. That was all in my head.

After I go to work. Arrived at 8:19am not bad. I went to the bathroom and the Nausea attack. Wow! Is this for real? Am I pregnant? Then after I just do my routine and at past 9:10, nurse K called and told me the goodness BFP at 166. Good numbers she said and told me about the do's and don'ts while being pregnant. They want me to come this thursday for the 2nd test and will call me again for the result and then when everything's good in 2 weeks I will have my first ultrasound. It worked guys!

Summary symptoms of the day:
Nausea, cramping, sleepy in the office, tired at night it's hard to open my eyes, sharp pains on breast

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Feb 3,

I don't have any other symptoms today when I woke up. Just feeling normal. I slept and dreamed. It's a good thing. I have so many things in my head right now. Fear and problems concerning family finances so it's hard to relax while waiting for beta.

So my symptoms today at 10dp3dt - twinges on abdomen, lower back pain, breast tenderness..other than that nothing that I could say that's different. Finally, bowel movement! TMI sorry. But I am really having trouble releasing it every day. It's like I don't have the urge to go to the bathroom other than peeing. I peed a lot but I have been drinking lots of fluids too. So I can't tell the difference. Didn't POAS today. I don't want to expect anything right now. Hubby don't want to so I will just stay blind of the possibility until tomorrow comes.

Update: after work... tada.. I POAS. I drank Gatorade my last bottle that I brought to work before 3:30pm. I came home like 4:15pm. I was thinking just out of curiosity if I can see a 2nd faint line within 2 minutes as what the package says. So waited with a timer on my ipod touch, yup see the line..
The 2nd line appear in 2 minutes with having a drink 40 mins ago. Promising right?
At night, I have painful pinch feeling on my nipples. Still goes with breast warm full feeling, twinges on abdomen from there and there and I was tired. I didn't do anything except lay down on the couch while hubby did everything for dinner. His a wonderful husband.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Feb 2,

I don't have anything to report yet. As of now it's 10:35am, my twinges on my left abdomen are still ongoing. It never stopped. I don't feel crampy anymore. So I believe the 7th day was implantation. It was painful. But I feel much better. My breast full feeling is there and blue veins are starting to getting darker. My areola maybe darker? I haven't really paid much attention to it. Definitely the warmth of my breast are present which I can't deny is evident. I am constipated again. No bowel movement yesterday. Will drink again prune juice which help keep it going.

So as of today's POAS. It was around 7am and the 2nd faint line appear within 3 minutes. But I didn't take a pic. I saw it again at 9 the line is there and at 10 here's the pic.

Is it getting darker?


Feb 1,

I didn't sleep well last night. I woke up too early and wasn't able to get back to sleep. Hubby sleeping so deep and I wish I could be in his place. My mind is all over the place. I wanted to forget all my worries and just sleep but I can't.

When I see that light coming in through the window blinds. I got up and went to the kitchen and see what time it is. It's 6:58am. Too early. I went to the bathroom and quickly decide to get this worry out of my mind. I POAS. I peed on the $tree New Choice brand. It said 4 drops and wait for 2 minutes. I can't wait to see the result. I look at it quick and I didn't see a ghost line on the test mark. I washed my hands and do my suppository.  I put the test in my drawer and didn't even to look at it again.

I went back to bed but my mind cant' stop from thinking all these worries. If it's true of that test is negative, what will I do. How will I ever going to respond on the day of my blood test? Will I have the courage to take it all. I am so fearful and sad. Waited an hour and a half, then I got up.

Went to the kitchen and see the time it's 7:50. It's still early. I laid down on the couch and use my ipod touch to read. I searched and searched about it. Many people are saying that every person is different. You can't pinpoint symptoms from each individual would happen to the everybody. Then I read about the brand I got from the dollar store. It said it wont really pickup that early. If you are POAS addict, it could help but not much. So I was hopeful. That maybe, my worries are just nothing. I feel better.

I still have the full breast feeling and twinges of the stomach. Nine past before 10 hubby woke up and greeted me. Kiised me, touch my belly and greeted my babies. His wonderful. I feel relax with his comfort.

I asked for breakfast but his not ready. So I grabbed half an inch of a double fiber english muffin with some peanut butter. Oh yeah I feel heaven hahaha.. Love peanut butter. Then my mind told me, to check the test and see what the reading is after few hours. I sneaked to the bathroom and look for the test in the drawer. Wow, I saw the 2nd line appear. Never had seen that before.. I am hopeful! Because I tested on 4dp3dt it was negative. No 2nd line appeared. So probably this means I am pregnant? I know this is temporary for now until it's proven. For now I am happy.

I used my ipod touch 5 to take this picture. Ain't that a line? You can see it right? 

Monday, February 3, 2014


Jan 31,

If you don't know what this means for non IVFers, it tells that I am 7 day past my 3 day transfer. I woke up not so feeling great emotionally because of the reason I had nightmares again. I dreamed of a beautiful baby and when I tried to approach the baby it turned out to be a monster. It's like those monster folklore in the Philippines. But anyway, it didn't make me feel great yet it doesn't mean nothing is impossible to have a baby after all what I've gone through.

My morning at work was normal. My counterpart took her time again and didn't report to work. Well I can understand a pregnant lady. Hormones can be off at times and I don't know what she's feeling. She deserves time to rest but I am hoping she uses it well. Anyway, my feeling in the morning was okay. I don't feel nothing unusual. Lunch time came, my left breast is starting to make me uncomfortable. I had this weirdest twinges that won't stop. It is painful and so I just pressed it with my arms hoping the twinges would stop but it didn't throughout the day. Then the cramping started at 3pm. I felt that it was implantation. Twinges, twitching and pulling come and go from both sides. I was very uncomfortable in my seat. I told my older lady counterpart that I don't feel good with all this hormonal symptoms and she just make me feel at ease with her comforting support.

I came home exhausted with all the symptoms. I begun to have slight headache that turned to get into a full headache eventually. I ate dinner with soup, crackers, fried chicken and prune juice on the side. I had constipation again. Prune juice helped my bowel movement so I took one whole glass.

Emotionally, I don't feel great and I was thinking that it might not work. But what about this symptoms. Did the suppository contributed it or I am actually preggers.

I didn't POAS. But I went to the dollar store after work to get 3 test. I didn't use it. I just bought it in case I might have the urge to try and see it.

Throughout the night, my mind is so negative. I am afraid of failure and doing it all over again. But I had hope because my symptoms were new. I have mixed feelings.

I went to bed and suddenly I got so much pain. It could probably I have so much pressure in the stomach and hubby asked if I am okay. I told him I have to blow out this fart. lol.. It started it and then the pressure release. TMI lol... Gone constipation yehey!

I went back to bed and I was asleep.

1dp3dt - 6dp3dt Symptoms

Jan 25 - Jan 30

#1dp3dt - Stayed all day bed rest. No cooking. No shower. Bloated, cramping, constipation

#2dp3dt - Bit tired all day. Energy low. Sleepy in the afternoon but didn't sleep. Super bloated. Cramping. Light headed after dinner. Feel like vomiting after dinner. Tender breast. Sneezing with stuffed nose. Itchy right nipple. Creamy mucus. Lots of burping. Constipation.

#3dp3dt - Sharp pains abdomen at sleep. Feel like vomiting after meal. Tender breast. Cramping. Twinges. Burping. Bowel movement finally! Frequent urination. Headache

#4dp3dt - Doctor's visit. All vitals/conditions are good. Advice. Eat lots of fiber. Eat minimal due to Nausea. Drink gatorade. Walking is okay. Didn't have enough sleep. No other symptoms, all are the same. Growling stomach.

#5dp3dt - Twinges belly from left to right. Sharp pain during sleep. Full breast feeling. Nipples are starting to have sensation at work in the afternoon. That's new to me. Cramping. Little headache. Burping. Bowel movement. Growling stomach.

#6dp3dt - Didn't sleep enough. Tender full breast with side twitches. Nipple definitely is acting up. Is it the progesterone suppository side effects? I really don't know. I don't have this kind of feeling before. Cramping like AF early dawn. Bowel movement. Hot flashes during sleep. Mild smell. I don't really feel pregnant except my boobs which could probably from the progesterone. Hard to tell. Burping. Growling stomach.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Embryo Transfer Experience

Jan 24,

At the hospital, my transfer was at 9:50am. Hubby and I arrived at the clinic 8:35 and we were waiting in the lobby. I signed another documents again just the usual protocol stuff. Later, I was called in. MS greeted me when I entered the room, she took some vitals and I don't even remember my blood pressure, temperature and pulse because I was so anxious for my embies. Then I took off my clothes waist down and hubby wore his hospital suits too. While waiting, I drank my Gatorade as MS instructed me to. There is a specific time when to drink it and when I was told to that it's time, I drank it with all my might. Heheee. No, it wasn't that hard. I was thirsty anyway but an hour past, there goes the full bladder lol... But all worth it. Bladder should be nice and big to be able to see the uterus.

After a time when my time is almost near, DR J and Embryologist L came to report the progress of our embies. So the only two we have make it. I was so happy. I prayed so hard for them. Hubby signed up documents from the embryologists while we also did ask few questions to the DR J. I only asked if it's painful. I am just traumatized with all the needles, blood tests and bruising that I get so I want to be ready and to expect pain. She just said no and I said if it's like doing insemination and she said Exactly. Great!

Waited for 5 minutes and then we walked to the OR. Embryologist L paved us the way to see our little babies through a microscope. I said my prayers in silence to them. They are so tiny but I am so happy to see them for real. Hubby did see them too and then Nurse M told me it's time. She assisted me to step to the bed. Their bed manners are really fantastic. They properly make me feel comfortable. Hubby was on my right and then later on the DR J did her part cleaning and making sure every apparatus is ready. I saw how my embies released in the uterus. Amazing. How tiny there were and I was teary eyed. Despite all the pressure with the apparatus and legs apart with all my goodness bare out in the room, it disappeared. Achieving to this stage is all worth it.

The transfer was a success. We have 2 embies in my belly right now. We have 8b and 5c. It's good enough for us considering they are able to fight for mommy and daddy to multiply. I am praying for them to be with me healthy until 9 months. As of now I am happy, that they are already safe back to me.

It was fast and they wheeled me to the recovery room at 10:16. Waited for 15 minutes to be over and peed after. Having a full bladder is crazy but I no longer complaint about it. What matters is it's over. I have accomplished what we are hoping for.

I will be staying for a week in bed rest. Hubby doesn't want me to take risk doing something in the house. So going to work it's not an option right now. He wants me to take time. After all what I have been going through this is much more important. I understand how hard it is to wait for this day to come. Good news is we finally conceive and the waiting has just begun.