Monday, February 3, 2014


Jan 31,

If you don't know what this means for non IVFers, it tells that I am 7 day past my 3 day transfer. I woke up not so feeling great emotionally because of the reason I had nightmares again. I dreamed of a beautiful baby and when I tried to approach the baby it turned out to be a monster. It's like those monster folklore in the Philippines. But anyway, it didn't make me feel great yet it doesn't mean nothing is impossible to have a baby after all what I've gone through.

My morning at work was normal. My counterpart took her time again and didn't report to work. Well I can understand a pregnant lady. Hormones can be off at times and I don't know what she's feeling. She deserves time to rest but I am hoping she uses it well. Anyway, my feeling in the morning was okay. I don't feel nothing unusual. Lunch time came, my left breast is starting to make me uncomfortable. I had this weirdest twinges that won't stop. It is painful and so I just pressed it with my arms hoping the twinges would stop but it didn't throughout the day. Then the cramping started at 3pm. I felt that it was implantation. Twinges, twitching and pulling come and go from both sides. I was very uncomfortable in my seat. I told my older lady counterpart that I don't feel good with all this hormonal symptoms and she just make me feel at ease with her comforting support.

I came home exhausted with all the symptoms. I begun to have slight headache that turned to get into a full headache eventually. I ate dinner with soup, crackers, fried chicken and prune juice on the side. I had constipation again. Prune juice helped my bowel movement so I took one whole glass.

Emotionally, I don't feel great and I was thinking that it might not work. But what about this symptoms. Did the suppository contributed it or I am actually preggers.

I didn't POAS. But I went to the dollar store after work to get 3 test. I didn't use it. I just bought it in case I might have the urge to try and see it.

Throughout the night, my mind is so negative. I am afraid of failure and doing it all over again. But I had hope because my symptoms were new. I have mixed feelings.

I went to bed and suddenly I got so much pain. It could probably I have so much pressure in the stomach and hubby asked if I am okay. I told him I have to blow out this fart. lol.. It started it and then the pressure release. TMI lol... Gone constipation yehey!

I went back to bed and I was asleep.

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