Tuesday, December 31, 2013

First Lupron Shot

I got my package of medicine last Friday in the morning. MDR is doing a good job on fast delivery. I recognize that effort. I hope they will also follow up on my other medicines that are still pending for approval right now. I will be start stimming on the 10th and I am hoping that it's going to be okay. I spoke with Kim on thursday and she said we still have the time to follow up and she's thinking it will be fine. I hope and pray.

Anyway, last night was my first shot. I didn't administer nor did the measuring of medicines. Instead, my husband who's the know it all wanted to do everything. He doesn't want me to do but he asked for my knowledge and understanding base on the class we took. So his not know it all then lol.. But anyway, he did prep the medicine and after I laid on the couch. He swabbed an alcohol on the right side of the belly 2 fingers from the naval. When the alcohol dried up, he stuck the needle and I felt the pinch. He did good but I was scared when I felt the pain and the medicine running through my veins. He released and I was relieved. It was quick though. I was just scared. I never looked at it because hubby doesn't want me to. He knows I am scared like hell lol.. Damn, it's just day 1 for a 2 week injection. Man! It did sting though but after few minutes I was okay.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Ivf calendar dates

Hi guys I'm back. I had a very solemn Christmas and it was what I expected. I had said my prayers on  the eve of the 24th at church hoping and praying that we will all be successful with our plans.

Today finally I got a call from the pharmacy on my medication. They will send first Lupron, hcg and suppository but waiting for approval on my stimming medicines. I will be on top of that. I will check the insurance as we'll. but good I was so worried about Lupron because I will start on Monday. They will send it today and I will get it tomorrow thank goodness. The whole week I worried like hell thinking it won't come on time. Good everything is ok now.

So January 9 I will have my appointment. Hope and pray no cyst and everything look good. January 20 is my hcg shot, 22 egg retrieval and 25 is the transfer. But this will change depending on my reaction to the meds. This is it!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Baseline Ultrasound

Hi everyone. This was a late post from yesterday. I meant to write what happened but I got distracted from a little conflict with Dh.  There was something he got mad at me and I know I was so hard headed about it but I did it because of what make me feel comfortable. He doesn’t care about what makes me feel about being comfortable and  my feelings and just left me hanging in the ultrasound room. I tell you this Dh of mine is something. If he wants something, I sure have to make compromises otherwise we can’t patch it up. I always give in to his plea. There are at times that he will consider what I think is best.

Skip the details about the bad stuff but the good news is we are okay now. LOL.. It’s just lovers quarrel. Happen all the time. Somehow, on the ultrasound, Dr. Kim did check on me and he took measurement on the inside. All I hear from him and the nurse, were numbers..

I always have brain fart when the scan is done. Did you all experience this? I can’t makeup a question. All I asked if everything’s okay. And he said yes. I guess I don’t want to know every details about it if all is okay? I don’t know. Maybe next time I have to be specific on the measurement and how is the condition of my ovaries or whatever it is that I need to know. I maybe put a list somewhere LOL.. So therefore folks, this is for real. I will be on Lupron Dec 30. Then I will have my blood test and ultrasound on January 9. Until then, just BCP and Lupron.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Birth control Pills

There's nothing much to write except that I am on now. On day 1 Friday, I called Ms K to let her know about that AF showed up. So she set my calendar and she had me on schedule for a baseline ultrasound and consent signing on Dec 16. She told me to take my birth control pills starting on day which is Dec 6 that falls on a Sunday. Great!

Today is the 3rd day since I took the first pill. I don’t feel anything. I am not agitated and my stress level is under control. I guess there’s nothing much to write or to complaint about. I guess it’s a good thing.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

I'm Back

Well I have been away for over a month since there was no significant event. I had my varicella shot done Oct 29 and need to wait 30 days to do the retest. I did have my blood test done on November 30th Saturday. On Monday Dec 2nd, I got a notice from the test online and checked whooolah! My doctor confirmed I am already immuned. Therefore, there's no need for me to take the 2nd vaccine shot and proceed to do my ivf.

I spoke to Ms K Dec 3rd and gave me a tentative date for the treatment. So birth control pills start day 3 on my period. My period is not showing up this time so will wait for that. But anyway since the lab was fully booked for the next two weeks, it will be fine if my period comes late but I don't want it to be so overly late. I have been waiting for over 6 months now to get this ivf done. I don't want to have more delays. Oh heaven above, please hear me.

Anyway, so here's the date. Dec 30 I will start Lupron. Jan 10 will start stimming and Jan 20 will be the transfer. I hope this schedule will really work.. Please pray for me.

So until Af shows up. This is will be on..

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Varicella Shot

I went to Pamf in Mountain View at my physician's office today at 11am. I get out at work just to get the shot. Everything went well. It stung at first. The nurse told me to relax at the lobby for 20 minutes and know if I have any bad reaction. I didn't so I took off and head straight to work. As of this writing, I am at the office just finished taking my lunch in my cube.

I spoke with Nurse K yesterday and she said sorry about what happened. It's not the kind of result we had expected but I told her it is what it is so I just have to get vaccine. Then the plan is to do the retest a month after, call when I get my period and take it from there. I hope that time I can get the go sign.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Varicella Vaccine

Yes you are reading it right. I will be getting it. It means that my treatment will be move further maybe a month or two. Depending on what the doctor will recommend as of this time. I got a call from a nurse today that my latest result was borderline. It says I am not immune to chicken pox. They don't want me to get pregnant when taking a shot. Therefore, I am on the waiting list again..I have to wait for them to call me back and check when they will administer to get the vaccines. Oh Lord, why this is taking so long. Why they didn't get me tested few months ago when they asked for so many many blood test. Why now? Grrrrh! I am so frustrated. But it's a good thing too. Just in case in the future.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Coming Appoinments

It's confirmed AF show her ugly face today. I called nurse Kimberly but end up leaving a message to her. Another person called me back, hold me for quite a bit and gave me an appointment on Nov 4 for the baseline ultrasound and consent signing. So this is it! I will start taking BCP on day 3 which is Oct 27 that falls on a Sunday. Until then, nothing exciting other than the injection training on Nov 1 and have to order medication.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

IVF Cycle Review

I did my cycle review with nurse K at 10:40am yesterday. She's nice but not as comforting as you want them to be. But she explains thoroughly on the process and I got it all in my head. Hubby was a little overwhelm I can tell looking at his expression. But nurse K said not to, she will explain more as we go in at the consent signing.

We are now waiting until I could get my period. On day 1, I will call nurse K and there we could make the change on what we estimated. So here are the estimate plan:

Oct 27 - start Birth control pills
Nov 1 - injection training
Anytime - MDRX order medicine
Nov 4,5,6 - baseline ultrasound, consent signing
Nov 11 - Lupron
Nov 22-30 - Stimming
Nov 25-30 - blood test and ultrasound
Dec 1 - Hcg Shot
Dec 3 - Egg Retrieval
Dec 6 - Embryo Transfer
Dec 17 - Pregnancy test

I will post again once my schedule is already done. For now, this is just an estimate. Cross fingers! I hope this is it. 

I got another blood test done yesterday too. I was asked for blood type and to check for varicella virus. Dang! I thought I am done with everything.

Hubby also got his blood test for HLTV. I don't know really what it is. lol And, did the urine test too for chlamydia culture. All in one day at the clinic. Save us time and energy. Good job nurse K to be so on top with that right away. Hope she will continue to do a good work for us.

Later part of the day, I got a call from this lady from a MDRX pharmacy in LA. She asked me about RX Vin, RX Group and ID. What the hell I know about that? She wasn't so friendly and not so patient when being asked. Nurse K, didn't mention about those in details and I didnt know they will call that soon. But anyway, I got all that straight when hubby called the insurance company. Today, I am ready to call her. The number she gave me didn't work. I will let her call me. Watch out biatch! I just hate it when people are so rude.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The start of IVF

Well, I got a call yesterday from my IVF Coordinator. I will give her the name Miss E. She's nice on the phone. She apologize for not getting back so soon because she was waiting for Dr. A's permission about something. I don't know what! But what matters now is the Cycle review will be the start of this IVF process.

My schedule will be next week on Wednesday the 23rd. I will let you know how will the conversation or meeting turned out. For now, I wish I could be pregnant. LOL.. I will be expecting my period on the 25. If somehow, I will be pregnant that will be a huge blessing. But I am just dreaming. Nothing wrong with that, right?

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


I'm not expecting anything this month since we've only did 2 baby dance which was 2 days before I got my positive OPK and on the day when I saw the smiley face again. I bought the clear blue digital ovulation kit and used it this time since I can't make up on the dollar store test. But actually the dollar store worked. On the day I got the positive, it looks like the same with Clear Blue. And the test line appear quickly. Now I know what to expect the next time.

Anyway, today I am feeling weird. I have this cramping on my right side for hours. It's too early for this cramps. Maybe I ovulated today? What? I don't know. It's hard to know when there's no ultrasound. If I am, then there's no way I could get pregnant. Well, I know in the first place it's hard when my partner has the problem. But yet, there's always miracle, right?

Also, I have the dizzy spell starting 2dpo. I was in SFO with friends on 2dpo. Well, I think it was the long wait and we were standing in line for more than an hour. With heat and anxiety to ride the cable car, I guess it hit me. I was also thankful I didn't faint. My my my, I don't know how will I be able to have the courage to see all people staring at me if I drop fall to the ground, LOL. Then also, I am suffering from UTI that I was holding myself not to grab liquids so I won't be in a rush to find restrooms. LOL.. It made my infection worst, though later on  I felt better when I was able to use the bathroom. Man, it was a crazy feeling...

Yesterday at 3dpo. All I have was slightly cramping on the right side. Nothing significant. I feel like normal. I may be cramping but it wasn't so intense. If I will do something, I won't remember the cramps.

Today, is a different story. Even writing at this moment I feel like my lower abdomen is being pulled. The under twinges is bearable. It is as if I have AF already. Also, I am a little dizzy. I never feel any of this before. I have some breast tenderness but I always and often have it during the 2 week wait. I don't consider it as a symptoms of being pregnant. But I don't know about this being dizzy. Or maybe, I am just tired and didn't have enough rest. Who knows it might be the cause. The past days, I didn't get much sleep as I want to. I don't want to jump at this as being pregnant. It's too early for that.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

IVF Financial Cost

Last night, hubby and I discuss thoroughly on the cost of IVF treatment. After all the talk and thankfully no hard debate on that. We had made the conclusion to spend almost 29k for the treatment. It is expensive, right? Yep, it is VERY costly! We have some left insurance money to cover a portion of it but still we are looking at over 50% of that. To give you an idea I will list the details here. I am sure this will benefit some of us who wants to do the treatment. I am writing this information because when I did my research online, I can't find any good post about the totality of the cost. I will try my best to those who wants to know. This particular post will change as soon as I get into the process and see the real deal of the expenses. I am hoping for no hidden cost. If you want to know what facility I am going into, I can do so just live your email where to reach you and I will be happy to give you some insight.

Pre-requisite: ( Don't know how much the price range on this. Sorry I can't give you details how much this will cost you. Maybe just my estimate $2,500-4000. If you have insurance, some will be covered under your OBgyn or family doctor. )

Complete Blood Cell Count
Comprehensive Metabollic Panel
Lipid Profile
Anti Body Screen
Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Test (STD)
Hepatitis C Antibody Test
Rubella Screen
HPV Test
Semen Analysis

One cycle IVF treatment- $16,388
ICSI - $1,850
Embryo Freeze & Storage - $2,100
Medication first cycle - $2,500

Embryo Transfer - $4,700
Medication FET - $500

My medical history - normal considering my age
Hubby medical result - normal count, volume, morphology but only 5% motility

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

2nd IVF Appointment

I had my 2nd IVF appointment yesterday with Dr. A at 10. I was able to see him like 10:45am. Geez! His scheduling is worst. It will be fair to say at least 15 minutes but if waiting is like almost an hour is not acceptable. Plus, his fees are just ridiculously expensive. I don't know if it's just him or if it's the normal range. The consultation is not really that great. But I only have to deal with it since his In-network and my insurance will cover it's cost. If only money is not a problem, I could have gone to another clinic.

Anyway, we discussed all there is to discuss and now the waiting part. Also, as to how much my husband will going to or willing to spend for all of this. Our insurance coverage is depleting to every test that has been conducted. I don't know at this time if he wants to do it or not. The second option will be doing another IUI to maximize our insurance where we could probably do 3 or 4 more. I don't know what's going to happen and it's up to my hubby to decide.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Nothing Significant

It's been awhile yes from my last post. Sorry but there's just nothing to update. I'm still not pregnant and endless counting of days when to ovulate. I am CD11 today and I don't feel any cramping yet. I will be checking and testing my urine sample again for the next couple of days.

Monday is my 2nd appointment with Dr. A. I got the bills a week ago from my first appointment with him and it's ridiculous to say that His fee is so high. Well, I could understand how high it is. Doctor's can only spend like 15minutes and it might cost you $300 for that but I would recall my time when I had my appointment, it was longer than 30 minutes. Maybe the fee's goes up as to how much time they could spend per patient. Geez!

Now it could mean my insurance balance for infertility treatment will be low and I could expect more $$$$ to spend later on. Oh my my.. I also noticed the efficiency that their staff and nurses provide at the clinic doesn't compensate their service.I don't know it's just ridiculous for me to say or bash about them. Let's see what they can do for me when I will start with my treatment. I'm not quite certain if this clinic can work magic.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I didn't get my period yet luckily and I don't know when I got my LH surge. I suspected after I was rambling in the morning of CD21 about not getting a positive. That Afternoon, I tested the New Choice Ovulation Kit that I bought from the dollar store and I saw that the 2nd line or test line is close to the opacity of the control line. I had the feeling that perhaps or maybe that was my surge. I don't know. I had tested 3 already and all the results were ghostly can't barely see the test line but on the 4th test that I did on Cd21 in the afternoon was very much visible.

I hope it was so I would know when I could expect my period. If not, I will wait on CD29 this week and then for next week cd36 if my calculation is right. I am not expecting to be pregnant this month. I just want to know when I could get my period so I would know what to expect when I will start my IVF.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

No OPK Positive (CD21)

I have been searching online if I could see anyone that experienced having egg white mucus that is longer than 3 days and then get their positive surge LH later on. I have not read none. All information I get was that younger girls do experience this, but not too often for ladies in their mid 30's.

I had made notes on my fertility calendar. Starting Sept 1 I had dry white mucus and I had the slightest egg white mucus on the 3rd. I used OPK to test one in the morning and afternoon, no positive result. I thought maybe I already missed my surge. But then on Friday afternoon Sept 6, I had a glue-liked mucus. It made me rethink the whole situation. Maybe I didn't ovulate yet. So I told hubby and we made the deed.

Saturday morning I used a cup and saw that the pee are mixed with mucus. It could be the remains from the deeds on the previous night. Both the morning of Saturday and Sunday I was hoping this could be it but no it didn't. Freaking out, I intend to constantly check everytime I went to the bathroom if I could see a change of mucus.

Then again on Monday Sept 9, I see the egg white again. I had bad cramps middle of the day and it went on and off all day. I tested twice morning and afternoon, nothing! The more I test, the test line is disappearing. I wonder what this is all about.

Yesterday, same thing happen I have cramps on and off but it went a little stronger in the evening. I still have the egg white mucus and tested nada! What the heck! I already tested 10 times for the past several days and I got no + result. I ran to the dollar store in the afternoon to get some more tests. I didn't have the same kit but I viewed youtube and they have pretty good reviews on the brand. So I feel that it will be the same usage like the other predictor kit I had used previously. Anyway, I made sure to test. The same thing happen, no surge.

And today, I didn't test early this morning when I took a shower. I decided I will not waste my time. I already missed my surge that's what I thought. But here comes the egg white mucus again in full force at around 10:30am at work. I didn't bring any test pack. There's no way for me to determined if this is ovulation or what. I am confused and perplexed. When I get home today, I will test and see if I could see something different from my other test.

This whole thing is weird, did I miss my surge or I am ovulating today... 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Schedule for Test

My physical exam was cancelled on the 30th. I got the phone call from the doctor's office after my Sonohysterogram. The staff said that the doctor is sick and won't be able to see patients. Heard the sorry and reschedule my appointment on Sept 12. Well, it works fine then. I don't have to rush since my appointment with Dr. A is in October. I will all have my medical test results by then.

As for now, I'm doing fine and having pre-ovulation cramps. Will do the natural deed this month. Wonder if it works before any of those intensive procedure for IVF. I wish it could but who knows what my future holds. Until then.. 

Friday, August 30, 2013

Sonohysterogram Test

In connection with the last post. I waited for 13 minutes past my schedule time when Dr. K came to the room today with a nurse. He asked me again if I know the procedure and I had him repeat what it is since it's better to be clear on what his doing. The nurse previously that assisted me to the room told me about how it's going to be like, gave me another antibiotic that I will take in full stomach during lunch. She asked me too about what day I am on my period and if I am bleeding or not.

Anyway, Dr. K didn't waste his time. He was so polite even inserting the spatula. From time to time while checking on the screen, he always let me know what to expect from the pain and so forth. I am very impressed of his light hand. I am beginning to feel so comfy with the exam. It took more than 15 minutes when he did it. I saw him checking thoroughly on my uterus wall cavity making sure he didn't miss any spot. Everything was clear. Oh my, thanks God. Prayers work wonder.

After all of that, Dr. K asked me if he can do anything else for me and so I asked if my AMH of 4.6 is okay. He smiled and said it's very good. I said Thank you Lord in silence.

I got dressed up. Sneak some photos from my phone and a little video for my own purposes only. Sorry will not post it in here. Try to be discreet in some way.

I then went to the front desk and the staff schedule me for Dr. A in October. Darn! That's too far. I could have scheduled it in advance when I know when to take all my test. Okay so be it. I have no other choice. I like Dr. A. I even asked if Dr. K has a better schedule but his also booked one week earlier. There's no point of getting that early when my cycle will still be fall for October. I decide stick to it. Hope DH will not be complaining again on the long wait.

You may ask how I feel during the exam. I feel the cramps but the pain was tolerable. HSG was way far worst. It was my nightmare. In my preparation for the exam. I took Doxycycline 100mg tablet the night before and Ibuprofen 600mg an hour before the procedure with a full stomach. So that's it guys. I am pretty much normal. It's just timing I guess.

With the longevity of my schedule to see Dr. A, it could mean there's more natural cycle to do. Who knows, it might work with just us doing the deed. 

Waiting like forever

I got to the building at 8:10z. Signed it at the register, peed on a cup in the bathroom as requested, delivered to the lab and waiting for the exam.

I dont know what to expect today. I read my amh result last night with 4.6 and read things online. It said its above normal could have PCOS. I am anxious to know what the doctor will tell me about what's wrong and what's good and my chances.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Blood Test Results

I went Saturday to Pamf Mountain View to have my blood drawn. The nurse that checked me in was new I guess because it took her time to print the labels and process what my requirement tests are. I specifically told her to have me tested on the hormone test and have my primary doctor checked the rest. I hope she didn't screw up my record.

It was 3 vials of blood. I can't even look at it. I tried to draw my attention to somewhere else. I hate needles. Medical profession isn't my thing. I am afraid of sharp objects LOL.

So today I got an email about my results. Here it is...

Tsh 1.43
Prolaction 16.8
Lh 2.4
Estradiol 23
Fsh 6.5

I don't know how to interpret all these numbers. I looked at the normal range of the lab and my score are within the range. I don't see red flags and such. So I guess I am fine. I hope!

I will wait and see until I can talk to Dr. K about my result. I will get back to you on Friday and tell you how my experience with Sonohysterogram and Physical Exam with Dr. G.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Financial Burden with Infertility

I was stressed last night when DH and I discussed about what went on with the Financial Consultation. The financial adviser was not upfront with the cost of the treatment. DH pushed if she could gave an estimate based on previous treatment before PAMF acquired the clinic. It's $8-9k with insurance and not including medication. Since the acquisition, they don't offer packages yet. I think both companies are still in discussion to offer multiple treatments and packages. There's no telling if they could offer it. Darn!

As for us, we are in the limbo. But actually no, it's just DH. I can be happy with only doing 1 treatment. I think the insurance can cover it. DH somehow has other plans. He wants to do 3. I know him very well, he will not always go to an easy plan. Complications is his game. I hate that.

But of course, I am glad he wants to do more. If we can't afford, why don't he just stick to what's affordable. It's like the wheels are turned upside down. His opinion is much important than mine. I feel like with all this I only have a second voice when infact with all of this it should be the woman has to say and the man will give in to what the woman wants. But anyway, still I appreciate it. I hope he can only open his mind to reality that we can only do one and that probably somehow the universe want us to have.

Doing multiple treatment not only is a burden in the pocket and it could torment your soul as well. Finance for us is a big issue. We don't have the luxury of it. I wish I don't have that kind of a problem but that is the case. I had hope trying to have baby is easy but when you deal with age and finances it's hard to deal with.

To have a baby is a sacrifice and only God knows if I could be blessed with one.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Upcoming Tests

It's official today with another failed natural cycle because the stupid Flow won't budge. So it means, I will proceed to IVF. With that being said, there will be a new set of tests.

Per instruction by Dr. K to call the clinic day 1, I called in and told the lady on the phone that my period started today. I asked about the Sonohysterogram appointment that Dr. K told me about, I was put on hold for a couple of minutes and then she told me they only have friday next week which is just perfect. I go ahead with the appointment on Aug 30th at 8am. I double check about the blood test on Day 3 and if I can use any other facility and they said to check what PAMF has. That's perfect, I can use the same lab when I did mine a year ago. They have much better service than the clinic.

So here are the lists:
HCG Quantitative
FSH, Follicle
Stimulating Hormone Estradiol
Luteinizing Hormone, LH
Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH)
Thyroid Function (TSH)
Complete Blood Cell Count
Antibody screen only
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel

I am praying that everything will be fine. I hope that I am normal. Oh dear God, please! Make it happen.

Positive Ovulation Cycle for the Year

Here's my cycle for the year and corresponding positive LH surge.

2012 December 29 - day 14 - period Jan 13 (15)
2013 January 30 - day 18 - period Feb12 (13)
2013 March 2 - day 19 - period March 17 (15)
2013 April 6 - day 21 - period  April 21 (15)
2013 May 12 - day 22 - period May 26 (14)
2013 June 12 - day 18 - period June 26 (14)
2013 July 8 - day 13 - period July 24 (16)
2013 Aug 7 - day 15 - period Aug 22 (15)
2013 Sept 10 - day 20 - period Sept 23 (14)

In average my LH surge is in between 14th-15th every cycle. Somehow my ovulation day varies from day 13-22. It's hard when you are irregular you can't really tell which day. All I have been doing is using the ovulation predictor. The kit really helps big time as to when to BD and do the deed.

Friday, August 16, 2013

This Cycle Two Week Wait

All natural this time. Only been taking prenatal vitamins and 2 tablets of Fertility Blend.

+ OPK Aug 7, 2013

1dpo - nothing
2dpo - nausea with vomit 7:58am and 10:35am, burning nipples and breast
3dpo - nausea with vomit 6:00pm, thigh cramps
4dpo - lbm, painful cramps at early dawn, nausea
5dpo - nothing
6dpo - nothing
7dpo - lbm at 5:45am and cramping stomach and legs, nausea with vomit 10:30am & 12:07pm
8dpo - lbm early dawn went to bathroom twice, cramping bad, breast tender, nausea with vomit 6:50am and 7:57am, BFN $test morning and afternoon, throwing up 9:30pm
9dpo - throwing up with nothing at 6:58am, 7:05am, 10:39am, 1:50pm, 3:27pm..cramping like period, breast tenderness, fullness of breast, dry mouth, eating in between meals to prevent from nausea
10dpo - lbm 5:28am with mild cramps, dry heaves 8:40am, later part of the day got painful AF cramps, white mucus, BFN $test
11dpo - lbm 2:38am, dry heaves in the afternoon at 2pm, painful AF cramps, hot flash early dawn, breast sore, acne
12dpo - lbm midnight, felt warm to sleep, dry heaves 10am, throbbing breast, left ovary throbbing while right ovary throbbing the whole afternoon, sharp AF pain, creamy white mucus 4pm, new acne nose and chin, lower back pain evening
13dpo - dry heaves 8:10am, tired and sleepy, white mucus, lower back pain, sore breast when pushed, stuff nose, keep yawning all day, slight headache
14dpo - dry heaves morning 6:50am, lower back pain, sore breast, brown discharge at 4pm, Af cramps pulling side to side, new acne, white mucus, Super Headache
15dpo - Af arrives

It is hard to predict what could really my symptom if I will ever get pregnant. I think base all of what happening for the past year, if I don't get a headache before my expected period then I will be sure I am pregnant. I am hoping next month end of 3rd week or 4th week of September I will start my IVF protocol.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


This cycle has been good to me except on the new symptoms, Nausea. I thought what I had on 2dpo will only going to be that day but it happen again on Saturday night with vomiting (3dpo) and on Sunday (4dpo) early dawn where I woke up with a painful cramps from stomach to thighs, nausea without vomit and lbm. I even asked my new RE on Monday during my consultation if it has something to do with high progesterone level but I've got no answer from him. Anyway, back to symptoms.. I had lbm and slightly painful cramps at 5:45am today. Is it implantation or is it a sign that AF will be happening in a week.


Before I could forget, let me just tell you the experience on my first consultation with the new RE. I was scheduled at 10am Aug 12 in a clinic here in San Jose. It's a bit farther than my usual visit with my OB so I had taken a buffer on the distance and driving minutes. I got there 20 minutes, registered and pay $20. Wait for another 10 minutes and was called in to the consultation room.

Dr. A came a little bit late but when he came, he introduced himself and shake both of our hands and went straight to business. He spoke a little bit faster than average. Very informative discussion and insights. I can't tell all the details but bottom line is, I need to do some of the test again like hormone, semen analysis, physical exam, etc. as a baseline. Those tests will deplete my insurance coverage. I only have 15k lifetime maximum with a 5k/year infertility medicine. I already had spent $3600 for 2 IUI's with tests. Now, I have to do another tests again which doesn't even goes to IVF treatments. So it could mean if we do IVF, we will be putting our own hard money whatever the remaining amount to cover what our insurance can't. Hubby will going to discuss that with a financial consultant soon so we could figure the best money we could do and afford to have a baby.

Once I was done with Dr. A, we went to the nurse station and Dr. A gave instruction to one nurse but since he was so fast another nurse stepped in and also write down what he had said. Even I was listening next to him I was perplexed if the nurse get it all. I was not pretty sure about it.

Then the first nurse walked me on the front desk to schedule an appointment. I had no clue exactly what test will be done first. I was asked if I can get in yesterday Aug 13 for a sonohyterogram I said okay. I don't know exactly what it was all about. I thought maybe it's the same as HSG. So okay then I will going to have it.

Later part of the day when I got back to work and able to search online what sonohysterogram is, I felt a sudden panic. I called the laboratory to check their opinion but I didn't get an answer but transferred me to clinic but it was closed. So I just said to myself, to hell with it. I will deal with it tomorrow.

I worked whole morning and finished my reports. I didn't bother to call the clinic anymore. There's no way I could cancel the appointment now. The reason why.. As I read at wikipedia and other medical sites, this test should be done after your period days 5-12. I am on CD21. You have to take Ibuprofen an hour prior to your schedule appointment. I wasn't given any instruction when the staff at the clinic made the appointment.

So you see how my feelings were yesterday. The staff given me no instruction paper nor verbal. This clinic is a mess... In PAMF Mountain View and Sunnyvale, the nurse and staff are on top of their job. Man, I was disappointed.

Anyway, so I go ahead went to the clinic and registered. I was given an empty cup. Dr. A need my urine test. Okay, went to the bathroom and did it. I read some signs posted no lotion, scented, perfume and other strong odor when visiting the clinic to avoid harmful effects to eggs and sperm collection. I was worried. I wore lotion and little bit of scent. I don't want to mess other people's specimen. Now, I know! I tell you. This clinic didn't have no telltale sign of giving good instructions.

I met Dr. K after almost an hour of waiting. He was a charming and soft spoken Doctor. His nice I liked him. I was already waste down naked almost did the test when he asked me "what day are you on your cycle?" I said, "cd21". I got my LH surge + OPK on Aug 7th. Oh no! Now my intuition was right. I should have called that brain dead staff at the desk to cancel the appointment and recheck to the doctor.

Dr. K was so nice to explain to me if we will push through the procedure and it will not going to be good. It will give false result. He asked for an apology for the time I wasted and told me to call the office day 1 of my period. That's what I wanted to know..Damn, I already had taken Ibuprofen. I know deep in my heart I don't want to take it but I was afraid if I don't and if somehow they will decide to push through it, I will be in total pain. I was worried what if I already conceived.

Dr. K then walked me to the nurse station and provide me the lists of clinic that I could use for my blood test. I asked where and when to schedule the semen analysis and the staff gave me number for the lab and outside the clinic I called hubby and told him what an awful day had been and asked him if he could call the lab so he can make an appointment for his test but I ended up calling the lab later on and get an appointment next week.

So that's it. I have to wait all my tests are done until I could see Dr. A again. Until then, hopefully wishing that tests are fine and we can do the procedure not later than October.

Friday, August 9, 2013

2DPO Nausea

I am wondering if Nausea at 2dpo is a sign of early pregnancy or implantation. I had this before but I wasn't charting so I can't pinpoint if it's time around post ovulation.

I nauseated with vomit when I get to work before 8am and as of this writing I just got back from the bathroom to do the thing again. I don't want my co-worker to see me in teary eyed and might think I am pregnant because I will be ashamed to give them the impression when I am still at post ovulation.

I tried to search online and read experiences of people having the same situation but I don't find many people getting similar symptoms. I was hoping I could get a better idea on this. But I know somewhere I read about the rise of progesterone can cause nausea post ovulation. I guess this is just the hormones that clicking in me. I hope it's a good sign if it works.

My first IVF consultation will be on Monday and I am anxious to know how this is going to affect this cycle and how soon will it start. Will get back on that next week.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

TTC with Clomid

This is my last cycle with Clomid. Husband and I decided to proceed to IVF. I have my consultation next month Aug 12. So basically if we want to we could have 1 more natural ttc and we will go from there. But it's quite stressful for us these days. It's hard to concentrate on the baby making.

But here's my Two Week Wait this cycle: 100mg clomid June 28 

+ OPK - July 8 ( Bd July 6 and July 9 not a perfect timing )

1dpo - tired and sleepy
2dpo - tired and sleepy
3dpo - was so sleepy all day since we were traveling on a plane to get to California from the Bahamas, keeps peeing all the time
4dpo - peeing endlessly, breast throbbing/twinges, thigh cramping, mild abdominal cramps, bloated
5dpo - AF cramps, breast throbbing, dry white mucus on panty
6dpo - watery white milky mucus, cramping, both breasts throbbing, peeing frequently
7dpo - watery white milky mucus, AF cramps very similar to period at 6pm, nipples itchy, boobs throbbing and bloated
8dpo - thigh cramps feeling like I am having a period, bloated, breast tenderness, cramps right side 11:10am
9dpo - nothing unusual, Af cramps, itchy breast, full breast feeling, bloated
10dpo - nothing unusual same 9dpo symptoms except for distinctive itchy nipple(first time), throbbing right breast 1:00pm
11dpo - AF mild cramps
12dpo - AF mild cramps
13dpo - tender breast poking on the left side. Af mild cramps. Nipple painful when touched. Almost vomited at 10pm. It's so weird
14dpo - body temperature early dawn is warm not able to sleep well while full breast feeling so uncomfortable, AF cramps more on the right side, no AF yet in the morning. Throbbing pain on right ovaries none stop starting at 10pm and headache.
15dpo - Thigh Af cramps but no sign of AF yet. Throbbing pain stopped at 7am.
16dpo - AF arrives.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Two Week Wait - Natural Process

Here I am again updating my infertility issues. As my Doctor told me, my age and health is not of a concern at this time. Probably, the timing isn't right. They can't find anything wrong in me. So she recommend to try 1-2 IUI's or if it's up to us if we want to proceed to IVF. We decided to try one more with IUI and if it's still not going to work then we could do the intensive process.

For this month, we are doing the natural process. I took prenatal vitamins, fertility blend, preseed and aspirin. I don't know if this all going to work. Well, miracle happens just anywhere. Let's see how my body respond with all of these.

Positive OPK June 12:
1DPO - nothing unsual. I was perfectly fine.

2DPO - nothing yehey first time to ever have this kind of feeling.

3DPO - white mucus hmmm I wonder why. If it has something to do with pre-seed?

4DPO - white mucus

5DPO - egg white creamy mucus at 2pm on a tissue. This was unusual. I never had this before. I don't think I have infection. I have no irritation. No UTI thanks heaven. It's weird. I did have cramps and maybe tender breast or is it just my imagination. You know it's hard to tell when this symptoms are almost the same with previous months. But one thing for sure, the cramps are way much more different. This cramps are pretty normal like my period is already coming.

6DPO - Itchy breast but it's not destructive. Slightly cramping on the right side and below your thingy! Is this implantation? The impact when it happen was mild but I did feel something is going in there.

7DPO - Wake up with a high temperature, my legs are so warm. I normally feel this 3 days before my period comes. Again, it's weird. The itchiness in the breast area tend to be more noticeable. It's not constant though. Vivid dreams.

8DPO - Breast on the right was poking at 1:56pm so annoying, no cramps

9DPO - Constipated, starting to feel AF cramps on thighs.

10DPO - AF Cramps big time in the evening. I'm sure the ugly face will come soon.

11DPO - AF thigh cramps, breast throbbing at 10pm, felt so warm early dawn. BFN.

12DPO - Twinges from left to right abdomen, AF cramps on thighs. Body was so warm early dawn. BFN.

13DPO - I have this cramps or like AF cramps on thighs. Not painful. It is something I always feel when Af is coming. No new symptoms. In normal days, I could have painful AF cramps at early dawn today. It didn't happen.

14DPO - Itchy breast, AF cramps, The ugly face shows up. It could mean then 1 more try with Clomid in the next coming cycle and proceed to IVF plan. Goodluck to that!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

2nd IUI The 2 Week Wait

I will start of that I am doing great this month. I had no side effects of any sort. Since by choice I took the natural route. I had the option to take Clomid, but I decided not to. I asked the Doctor if it's okay to skip it and the doctor did agree. I just based on instinct and OPK test.

I had my ultrasound on the 2nd of May. The doctor saw 2 eggs but they are relatively small. Little enough  the doctor refused to conduct a trigger shot. She doesn't want to have premature ovulation and I certainly agree on the matter. I was advice to use OPK and once I got a positive result I will schedule the next day for IUI.

I tested a positive OPK on the 12 which was a Sunday. The clinic is close so I called Monday morning and they scheduled me on Tuesday the 14th. I don't know if I was too late but I believe I didn't ovulate yet though I had cramps that night. Hubby and I decided to BD. We don't want to miss the chance since I know the IUI will going to be on Tuesday.

Tuesday May 14 I had my IUI at 11:30am. We got there on time at 11:00 to deliver the specimen. Waited 30 minutes and we did it. This time my primary OB-GYN did the procedure with a light hand and it was painless.

Now is the waiting period. I will update this lists as the time goes on.

1dpIUI - (3DPO) slight cramping both the left and right abdomen. More likely the pain is on the left side.

2dpIUI - (4DPO) woke up at 5:30am with a slight cramp and did number 2. I normally have muscle cramps on legs a day before my period but this time, the cramps are very different. It's abdominal from right to left. Yesterday it was more on the left and today i'ts on the right. I hope this is a good sign. I think I feel something on the breast area. Not too evident, but I had a few mixed emotion on the nipple. Sorry TMI. Will not consider it as a sign. Creamy mucus afternoon.

3dpIUI - (5DPO) the cramps are on and off but not as intense like yesterday. If I don't think about it, I don't feel anything. I am much better today health wise. Somehow, I feel a little bloated. My pants are a little bit tight.

4dpIUI - (6DPO) - cramps with cm
5dpIUI - (7DPO) - cramps with cm
6dpIUI - (8DPO) - cramps with cm
7dpIUI - (9DPO) - cramps, yellowish mucus
8dpIUI - (10DPO) - cramps
9dpIUI - (11DPO) - stomache early dawn, throbbing breast left side, thigh muscle cramps as well as abdominal area, vivid dreams, white mucus
10dpIUI - (12DPO) - vivid dreams, cramps, watery mucus
11dpIUI - (13DPO) - sore breast and cramping, drained, headache
12dpIUI - (14DPO) - headache and AF showed

To summarize: there were 3 symptoms from the start I got a positive OPK, cramping and white mucus then later part the headache. It's hard to really know when to predict an early pregnancy when what I experienced mimic the symptoms of pregnancy.

Monday, April 29, 2013

XR HSG Test Experience

I had it done last Friday April 26 at 3pm. What I can say about my experience? Damn it was painful. The worst I had ever experience.

Before the test was done. The nurse gave me a hospital gown. It was a set of front and back cover. My nerve was getting me when I was like wearing it on a few times because I don't know which one is which. Until I heard the nurse checking on me if I am ready. So I just wore that I think was the right side. LOL.
I went inside to the Radiology room. The equipment was huge and the room was spacious. The nurse asked me to lay out on the table and she did a quick x-ray on the pelvic. I saw the result right away. It looked normal to me.

She told me after while waiting for the doctor to expect like a papsmear and stomach cramps during the test. She did ask me if I already know what to expect. And I said yes. But my expectation for the pain was not the amount of pain I was expecting. It was so unbearable. When the doctor appeared and got all the stuff together, I spread my legs on the examination table. There was no stirrups so it was just spreading my legs and let the doctor do it’s job.

First attempt, the speculum was inserted. It opened the walls and the cervix was looking straight to him perfectly. He then inserted the catheter with the dye. Remove the speculum and holding the catheter. The radiologist was called. He entered the room. He said his name to me while the Obgyn holding the cathether in my business. The unpredictable thing happen. I was asked to move a little bit and I did move but the doctor missed my body reaction so I think he released the cathether off guard. The radiologist did try to see if they can see the flow of the dye but it didn’t reach the fallopian tube. I heard him say there was some bubble. I don’t know what that means. What I can get from that was a failure attempt. The obgyn said the length of the catheter tube was too short. The dye didn’t reach the tube and it spilled out to the cervix. They have no choice but to redo the process.

It was not what I would want to hear. I already had felt the pain with the speculum and the cramps. And now, they said they had to do it all over again. The doctors were rushed because every minute of their time is precious. I was not expecting to be rushed like that. The obgyn inserted the speculum and when he got the best position of the cervix he inserted the catheter tube that was twice the size of the first one they attempted to do and released the speculum. He was then holding the end of the tube while the x-ray was done. Before using the new cathether, the doctor asked the nurse if she had the similar size of the tube he previously used and longer but the nurse said no. He knew that I will going to be in so much pain with using the double size tube.

I heard hubby asked me if I was okay. I pretended that I was. I guess he saw the tube. I was glad I didn’t. I can’t imagine the thing in me. I will passed out. When the dye reaches and filled the fallopian tube and uterus, damn the pain was like a magnitude of 3x the abdominal cramps I felt during my period. It was hard to move my body side to side when they asked me to. The pain almost cried me to tears but I was holding it. I then heard the Obgyn said. Done. You did good. The pain went away. I saw the monitor of my fallopian tube and uterus. The dye filled it up good and looking perfect. The Obgyn then said to me to celebrate and drink Margarita.

The doctors were gone fast and I was there laying on the bed just a few minutes to hold my composure and rub my belly. The pain I felt was too extraordinary for me. If this is all what it takes to have a baby, I will do it all over again. I heard the nurse told me to sit up just a few minutes to not get light headed and when I felt fine I went to the restroom and changed. I was bleeding which was normal. But I don’t feel the pain when I peed. That I was glad about. 

I struggle physically and emotionally. I hope one day with all these efforts I will be granted a blessing. Just one miracle, everything what I am going through will be all worth it.