Monday, August 26, 2013

Blood Test Results

I went Saturday to Pamf Mountain View to have my blood drawn. The nurse that checked me in was new I guess because it took her time to print the labels and process what my requirement tests are. I specifically told her to have me tested on the hormone test and have my primary doctor checked the rest. I hope she didn't screw up my record.

It was 3 vials of blood. I can't even look at it. I tried to draw my attention to somewhere else. I hate needles. Medical profession isn't my thing. I am afraid of sharp objects LOL.

So today I got an email about my results. Here it is...

Tsh 1.43
Prolaction 16.8
Lh 2.4
Estradiol 23
Fsh 6.5

I don't know how to interpret all these numbers. I looked at the normal range of the lab and my score are within the range. I don't see red flags and such. So I guess I am fine. I hope!

I will wait and see until I can talk to Dr. K about my result. I will get back to you on Friday and tell you how my experience with Sonohysterogram and Physical Exam with Dr. G.

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