Friday, August 16, 2013

This Cycle Two Week Wait

All natural this time. Only been taking prenatal vitamins and 2 tablets of Fertility Blend.

+ OPK Aug 7, 2013

1dpo - nothing
2dpo - nausea with vomit 7:58am and 10:35am, burning nipples and breast
3dpo - nausea with vomit 6:00pm, thigh cramps
4dpo - lbm, painful cramps at early dawn, nausea
5dpo - nothing
6dpo - nothing
7dpo - lbm at 5:45am and cramping stomach and legs, nausea with vomit 10:30am & 12:07pm
8dpo - lbm early dawn went to bathroom twice, cramping bad, breast tender, nausea with vomit 6:50am and 7:57am, BFN $test morning and afternoon, throwing up 9:30pm
9dpo - throwing up with nothing at 6:58am, 7:05am, 10:39am, 1:50pm, 3:27pm..cramping like period, breast tenderness, fullness of breast, dry mouth, eating in between meals to prevent from nausea
10dpo - lbm 5:28am with mild cramps, dry heaves 8:40am, later part of the day got painful AF cramps, white mucus, BFN $test
11dpo - lbm 2:38am, dry heaves in the afternoon at 2pm, painful AF cramps, hot flash early dawn, breast sore, acne
12dpo - lbm midnight, felt warm to sleep, dry heaves 10am, throbbing breast, left ovary throbbing while right ovary throbbing the whole afternoon, sharp AF pain, creamy white mucus 4pm, new acne nose and chin, lower back pain evening
13dpo - dry heaves 8:10am, tired and sleepy, white mucus, lower back pain, sore breast when pushed, stuff nose, keep yawning all day, slight headache
14dpo - dry heaves morning 6:50am, lower back pain, sore breast, brown discharge at 4pm, Af cramps pulling side to side, new acne, white mucus, Super Headache
15dpo - Af arrives

It is hard to predict what could really my symptom if I will ever get pregnant. I think base all of what happening for the past year, if I don't get a headache before my expected period then I will be sure I am pregnant. I am hoping next month end of 3rd week or 4th week of September I will start my IVF protocol.

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