Tuesday, December 31, 2013

First Lupron Shot

I got my package of medicine last Friday in the morning. MDR is doing a good job on fast delivery. I recognize that effort. I hope they will also follow up on my other medicines that are still pending for approval right now. I will be start stimming on the 10th and I am hoping that it's going to be okay. I spoke with Kim on thursday and she said we still have the time to follow up and she's thinking it will be fine. I hope and pray.

Anyway, last night was my first shot. I didn't administer nor did the measuring of medicines. Instead, my husband who's the know it all wanted to do everything. He doesn't want me to do but he asked for my knowledge and understanding base on the class we took. So his not know it all then lol.. But anyway, he did prep the medicine and after I laid on the couch. He swabbed an alcohol on the right side of the belly 2 fingers from the naval. When the alcohol dried up, he stuck the needle and I felt the pinch. He did good but I was scared when I felt the pain and the medicine running through my veins. He released and I was relieved. It was quick though. I was just scared. I never looked at it because hubby doesn't want me to. He knows I am scared like hell lol.. Damn, it's just day 1 for a 2 week injection. Man! It did sting though but after few minutes I was okay.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Ivf calendar dates

Hi guys I'm back. I had a very solemn Christmas and it was what I expected. I had said my prayers on  the eve of the 24th at church hoping and praying that we will all be successful with our plans.

Today finally I got a call from the pharmacy on my medication. They will send first Lupron, hcg and suppository but waiting for approval on my stimming medicines. I will be on top of that. I will check the insurance as we'll. but good I was so worried about Lupron because I will start on Monday. They will send it today and I will get it tomorrow thank goodness. The whole week I worried like hell thinking it won't come on time. Good everything is ok now.

So January 9 I will have my appointment. Hope and pray no cyst and everything look good. January 20 is my hcg shot, 22 egg retrieval and 25 is the transfer. But this will change depending on my reaction to the meds. This is it!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Baseline Ultrasound

Hi everyone. This was a late post from yesterday. I meant to write what happened but I got distracted from a little conflict with Dh.  There was something he got mad at me and I know I was so hard headed about it but I did it because of what make me feel comfortable. He doesn’t care about what makes me feel about being comfortable and  my feelings and just left me hanging in the ultrasound room. I tell you this Dh of mine is something. If he wants something, I sure have to make compromises otherwise we can’t patch it up. I always give in to his plea. There are at times that he will consider what I think is best.

Skip the details about the bad stuff but the good news is we are okay now. LOL.. It’s just lovers quarrel. Happen all the time. Somehow, on the ultrasound, Dr. Kim did check on me and he took measurement on the inside. All I hear from him and the nurse, were numbers..

I always have brain fart when the scan is done. Did you all experience this? I can’t makeup a question. All I asked if everything’s okay. And he said yes. I guess I don’t want to know every details about it if all is okay? I don’t know. Maybe next time I have to be specific on the measurement and how is the condition of my ovaries or whatever it is that I need to know. I maybe put a list somewhere LOL.. So therefore folks, this is for real. I will be on Lupron Dec 30. Then I will have my blood test and ultrasound on January 9. Until then, just BCP and Lupron.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Birth control Pills

There's nothing much to write except that I am on now. On day 1 Friday, I called Ms K to let her know about that AF showed up. So she set my calendar and she had me on schedule for a baseline ultrasound and consent signing on Dec 16. She told me to take my birth control pills starting on day which is Dec 6 that falls on a Sunday. Great!

Today is the 3rd day since I took the first pill. I don’t feel anything. I am not agitated and my stress level is under control. I guess there’s nothing much to write or to complaint about. I guess it’s a good thing.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

I'm Back

Well I have been away for over a month since there was no significant event. I had my varicella shot done Oct 29 and need to wait 30 days to do the retest. I did have my blood test done on November 30th Saturday. On Monday Dec 2nd, I got a notice from the test online and checked whooolah! My doctor confirmed I am already immuned. Therefore, there's no need for me to take the 2nd vaccine shot and proceed to do my ivf.

I spoke to Ms K Dec 3rd and gave me a tentative date for the treatment. So birth control pills start day 3 on my period. My period is not showing up this time so will wait for that. But anyway since the lab was fully booked for the next two weeks, it will be fine if my period comes late but I don't want it to be so overly late. I have been waiting for over 6 months now to get this ivf done. I don't want to have more delays. Oh heaven above, please hear me.

Anyway, so here's the date. Dec 30 I will start Lupron. Jan 10 will start stimming and Jan 20 will be the transfer. I hope this schedule will really work.. Please pray for me.

So until Af shows up. This is will be on..