Saturday, February 1, 2014

Embryo Transfer Experience

Jan 24,

At the hospital, my transfer was at 9:50am. Hubby and I arrived at the clinic 8:35 and we were waiting in the lobby. I signed another documents again just the usual protocol stuff. Later, I was called in. MS greeted me when I entered the room, she took some vitals and I don't even remember my blood pressure, temperature and pulse because I was so anxious for my embies. Then I took off my clothes waist down and hubby wore his hospital suits too. While waiting, I drank my Gatorade as MS instructed me to. There is a specific time when to drink it and when I was told to that it's time, I drank it with all my might. Heheee. No, it wasn't that hard. I was thirsty anyway but an hour past, there goes the full bladder lol... But all worth it. Bladder should be nice and big to be able to see the uterus.

After a time when my time is almost near, DR J and Embryologist L came to report the progress of our embies. So the only two we have make it. I was so happy. I prayed so hard for them. Hubby signed up documents from the embryologists while we also did ask few questions to the DR J. I only asked if it's painful. I am just traumatized with all the needles, blood tests and bruising that I get so I want to be ready and to expect pain. She just said no and I said if it's like doing insemination and she said Exactly. Great!

Waited for 5 minutes and then we walked to the OR. Embryologist L paved us the way to see our little babies through a microscope. I said my prayers in silence to them. They are so tiny but I am so happy to see them for real. Hubby did see them too and then Nurse M told me it's time. She assisted me to step to the bed. Their bed manners are really fantastic. They properly make me feel comfortable. Hubby was on my right and then later on the DR J did her part cleaning and making sure every apparatus is ready. I saw how my embies released in the uterus. Amazing. How tiny there were and I was teary eyed. Despite all the pressure with the apparatus and legs apart with all my goodness bare out in the room, it disappeared. Achieving to this stage is all worth it.

The transfer was a success. We have 2 embies in my belly right now. We have 8b and 5c. It's good enough for us considering they are able to fight for mommy and daddy to multiply. I am praying for them to be with me healthy until 9 months. As of now I am happy, that they are already safe back to me.

It was fast and they wheeled me to the recovery room at 10:16. Waited for 15 minutes to be over and peed after. Having a full bladder is crazy but I no longer complaint about it. What matters is it's over. I have accomplished what we are hoping for.

I will be staying for a week in bed rest. Hubby doesn't want me to take risk doing something in the house. So going to work it's not an option right now. He wants me to take time. After all what I have been going through this is much more important. I understand how hard it is to wait for this day to come. Good news is we finally conceive and the waiting has just begun.

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