Thursday, February 6, 2014

11dp3dt - BETA DAY!

Feb 4,

I slept a little bit early last night. I was already tired before 8pm and trying to stay awake but when hubby said he wanted to sleep early I joined in to.

I got the sleep that I needed but I kept on waking up every hour. Either my mind is somewhere else or my body is too warm that I was sweating a little. I don't sweat at all. I don't know why, hormones? Hubby and I decided last night not to POAS today. We will just take whatever the outcome is. Good or bad.

So I woke up at 6 and did my suppository and went back to bed. When my alarm clock rang at 6:35am I got up. I was able to have my vowel movement again yehey! Simple happiness.. hahahaha.. Then showered, dressed and ate my breakfast that hubby prepared for me last night. I haven't been cooking for 2 weeks now. Hubby did all of it. He wants me to just relax. I am like a princess.

Anyway, I drove to the clinic saying every prayers I could say to God to work his magic on me. I got to the parking lot at 7:45 meaning it's still 7:35 at the clinic. I walked slow and said my prayers again for the last time. I am very anxious of the outcome. I walked passed the front desk and said I will have my blood test done and went to the lab. I saw Dr. K and some nurses I just walked passed them. I rang the bell at the lab and there I got my blood drawn. I jerked when the needle went in. Coward me! But hey I have so much needle running in my veins for the past 2 months. You can't blame me. That was all in my head.

After I go to work. Arrived at 8:19am not bad. I went to the bathroom and the Nausea attack. Wow! Is this for real? Am I pregnant? Then after I just do my routine and at past 9:10, nurse K called and told me the goodness BFP at 166. Good numbers she said and told me about the do's and don'ts while being pregnant. They want me to come this thursday for the 2nd test and will call me again for the result and then when everything's good in 2 weeks I will have my first ultrasound. It worked guys!

Summary symptoms of the day:
Nausea, cramping, sleepy in the office, tired at night it's hard to open my eyes, sharp pains on breast

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