Jan 23,
I got a call this morning from nurse M. Such a sweet compassionate person. She told me about the appointment tomorrow at 9:30 and should be at the clinic 8:45am with an empty bladder. She instructed me to take antibiotics tonight, empty my bladder before leaving the house, bring 16 oz of water or gatorade and wear comfortable clothes. I tried to ask about the embies but she didn't give me any reply. She just said that the embryologist will notify us tomorrow before the procedure. I am excited and at the same time worried. Who knows what the future may bring, but I am grateful for the having 2 great embies.
As for today's comfort, I am not so comfortable at all. I work today and just do minimal movement. I took Prometrium vaginally this morning after breakfast. I didn't feel any discomfort after. It was a surprise.. Of course, I am bloated so therefore it's not easy sit all day in the office. I can't drink regular water oh how I miss drinking my plain water. lol I am a water drinker. I don't like flavored drink. Anyway, the goodnews is, finally I have my bowel movement lol.. You know how I suffer from constipation. It wasn't bad though. I just don't have the urge to go to the bathroom.
The surgical department called yesterday and asked about my current condition. Actually, I was feeling better just doing minimal movement and laying mostly on the couch all day and night. I only get up to eat, cook and going to the bathroom. I asked about the constipation pill so they recommend Colace. Hubby bought it from Walgreens and I took it together with Tylenol. I have been slightly cramping and saw some spotting so I took Tylenol to prevent from getting worst. It did help and I feel better all throughout the night.
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