Friday, March 7, 2014

8 week Pregnancy

I had my 8th week appointment last Wednesday. It was an alarming experience for me and hubby. It took awhile for Dr. K to see the baby. We had seen the sac on screen all black. My heart was pounding like crazy. But with some belly push with my 2 index fingers and the doppler searching where the baby was we've found it. It was in an awkward position that it indeeds a little push to see how it's growing. We've the heart flicker and beating at 153. I am so relief to see and hear the heartbeat. With the thought of an empty sac and no baby, how would you feel?

Dr. K was a little concern because it only measures 7.7cm which is about he said a week behind schedule. He wants me to do another ultrasound next week to see how the progress of the baby is doing. I am so worried up to this point of writing.

As for symptoms, I have nausea all day long. I get hungry all the time and food is my problem right now. I'm a little picky on what to eat because of the queasiness feeling if I don't like the food, I would throw up. Candies still doesn't work. I tried mint and halls candy. Not working. Crackers yes but it can stabilize my symptoms for a few minutes. I don't know what to do with food.

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